Tag Archives: sous vide bourbon cordial

Old Fashioned Bourbon Cordial

Makes about 2 quarts/liters INGREDIENTS 1.75 liters bourbon (or Irish whiskey) 2 large oranges (used for zest) 1 large jar (about 14 ounces/370 g) maraschino cherries 2 cups (480 ml) simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water, cooked over low heat until dissolved)   INSTRUCTIONS Fill and preheat the SousVide Supreme to 147F/64C. Remove just the zest from the oranges with a sharp vegetable peeler and put into a gallon (3.8 liter) zip-closure cooking pouch (available on our site). Add the bourbon and the entire bottle of maraschino cherries and their syrup to the pouch. With the zip closure open, … Read More

Bacon-infused Bourbon Cordial

Recipe courtesy of Sharone Hakman INGREDIENTS 1 bottle (750 ml) good bourbon 1/4 cup (50 g) brown sugar, loosely packed 2 oranges, for zest only 2 strips bacon, cooked crisp INSTRUCTIONS Fill and preheat the SousVide Supreme to 140F/60C. Put all ingredients into a large (gallon/3.8 liter) food-grade cooking pouch and vacuum seal in a chamber vacuum sealer or use a food-grade, zip-closure cooking pouch and the Archimedes’ Principle to remove the air and seal.  (If you are using a standard cooking pouch, press as much air as possible from the pouch with your hands and seal only.  Do not attempt to seal liquids using a suction … Read More