There is nothing more the centerpiece of a traditional American holiday meal than roast turkey with all the trimmings. I recall in my childhood, my grandmother rising at 4 am to begin the preparations for our Thanksgiving or Christmas feast. Roasting the big bird for these special meals holds an almost sacred place in our family’s traditions and I have dutifully followed the footsteps of my fore bearers every year. This one being no exception, except that this year we received two birds. My husband and son played in an annual golf tournament the week before Thanksgiving, called (appropriately enough) the Turkey Shoot, for which participation each of them received a nice turkey. We were having a larger than usual crowd at our table for Thanksgiving dinner, so I decided to cook both of them. I would roast one turkey the traditional way and prepare its twin brother in my SousVide Supreme.
It would be a turkey throw down! Read More